An Indian physician is proud of the fact that he was able to successfully remove an astounding 11,950 gallstones from a single patient during the course of his career. It’s possible that this would set a new world record, right?
A woman who had been experiencing stomach aches that had reached an intolerable level went to the hospital for treatment. The physician began her thorough examination in an effort to determine the problem, but he was taken aback by what he found.
In a landmark operation, gastrointestinal endo surgeon Dr. Makhan Lala Saha had to remove stones from the gall bladder of 51-year-old patient Minati Mondal. The procedure was a first of its kind.
Since more than two months ago, Mondal has been dealing with ongoing discomfort in the stomach. She had to be hurried to the hospital, where the physicians determined that she had serious instances of gallstones.

Dr. Saha was the one who performed the operation on the woman, and he stated that he anticipated discovering a high number of stones, but he was astounded to realize that the total number of stones approached 5,000. The procedure lasted for about an hour, and the nurses spent more than four hours counting the stones that were removed from the patient’s body. The stones ranged in size from 2mm to 5mm.
It’s possible that this quantity of stones extracted will set a new world record. The physician reported that he had conducted additional research and discovered that the only amount that was even remotely comparable was 3,110 stones that were removed from a German patient’s gall bladder in the United Kingdom in 1983.

On the other hand, the doctor is of the opinion that he has significantly beyond this figure.
After the operation, Mondal was released from the hospital and sent home to heal.

Gallstones are tiny stones that occur in the gallbladder. These stones are often composed of cholesterol. It is anticipated that one in ten individuals will be affected by this, despite the fact that the majority of people who have this condition will not have any symptoms and will not require treatment.