What Your Venus Holes on Your Back Say About You

Learn the significance of the two enigmatic back holes and how they genuinely make you unique. Study more.

The naval area is across from some sizable Venus holes. Since you have two of these holes, you are unique, so make sure you do.

Interesting implications are associated with the tiny circles on the lower back, known as Venus holes in women and Apollo holes in men.

The size of the ligament and heredity play a role in these holes, which are located in the pelvic region. They cannot be picked or avoided.

What do the holes on Venus signify?

They indicate good body circulation, which denotes a healthy body and facilitates orgasms.

They can be found where there is no muscle. Since they are innate, they cannot be made. However, exercise can increase visibility by reducing excess fat.

Even though they serve no special use, the two rear holes have a nice appearance. You can enhance their beauty with a beautiful tattoo, and you’ll start to exude complete fabulousness.

Does the lower back area get covered? Post a comment below and tell us!

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