A woman, pregnant with triplets, was caught in the crossfire at a bank robbery and shot 3 times in the stomach. The Doctor, said it was too risky to operate and chose to leave the bullets in.

16 years later one of the girl triplets went crying to her mum. She asked what was wrong.
The girl said: “I was peeing and a bullet came out.” So her mum told her what happened 16 years earlier. The nextday the same thing happened with the other girl triplet. So her mum with the other girl triplet. So her mum told her the same story about the bank robbery.
The day after, the boy triplet goes crying to him mum. “Let me guess” she says, “You were peeing and a bullet came out?!” “No…” Replied the boy “I was having a wank and shot the dog e 7:14 am.